
Understanding the Legal Status of Sellers in the Dominican Republic In the Dominican Republic, the role of sellers is often overlooked by employers who may not consider these individuals as employees, even when they provide services exclusively under strict subordination. However, under Dominican law, sellers......

Strategies for Buying a Company: Key Considerations In the business world, opportunities to acquire companies and their ongoing operations frequently arise. The attractiveness of these opportunities depends largely on the financial and legal realities uncovered through due diligence or audit processes. Acquiring a company or......

One of the most critical aspects of acquiring a company is the legal audit, also known as “Due Diligence” or legal certification. This process involves a thorough investigation and analysis before acquisition to understand the company’s situation, assets, and legal realities, as well as potential......

Unravel the intricacies of risk management in the dynamic realm of renewable energy projects. From conception to fruition, Project Finance delves into the evaluation of risks - be it during construction, operation, or revenue generation. However, the real game-changer lies in how these risks are managed and distributed. Discover how professional legal guidance transforms potential challenges into opportunities, reshaping the landscape of sustainable energy initiatives....

In the realm of sustainable energy, Project Finance emerges as the linchpin for funding significant initiatives. This sophisticated method strategically utilizes long-term debt financing, centering on the project's cash flow. The success of this approach relies on a meticulous analysis of construction, operational, and revenue risks, and their equitable distribution among stakeholders....